Medium scale classification Small scale Classification Items Medical expenses, etc. (Unit: KRW) 특이사항 Last change date
Code Name Classification Cost Minimum cost Maximum cost Including materials for medical treatment Including cost for medicine
Vaccination Shingles 056400041 Skyzoste Skyzoster Province 130,000
Vaccination Shingles 655500900 Jostar Box Jostarbox 150,000
Vaccination Rotavirus 655500030 Rotatech Rotatech solution 10,000
Vaccination Varicella 643601160 varicella Chickenpox Box Note 35,000
Vaccination Meningococcal 665900190 Menactra (meningitis) Meningococcal (menactra) 130,000
Vaccination Human papillomavirus 650001880 Servarix Servarix Freefield Syringe 90,000 Cost of one vaccination (a total of 3 vaccinations)
Vaccination Human papillomavirus 655500020 Gardasil 4ga Gardasil Free Field SyringeFreefield Syringe 120,000 Cost of one vaccination (a total of 3 vaccinations)
Vaccination Human papillomavirus 655501930 Gardasil 9ga Gardasil 9 Freefield Syringe 220,000 Cost of one vaccination (a total of 3 vaccinations)
Vaccination Influenza 056400031 Quaternary flu + swine flu (Skycelflu-SK) SkyCellflu 4 Ga pre-field syringe 45,000
Vaccination Influenza 643605130 Quadrivalent flu + swine flu (GC flu quad balance) GC Fluquadry Balance Free Field Syringe 38,000
Vaccination Influenza 650003030 Quaternary flu + swine flu (fluarixtetra-G) GC Fluquadry Balance Free Field Syringe 45,000
Vaccination typhoid 670500220 Typhoid Girotif Province 15,000
Vaccination Td (tetanus, diphtheria) 643605311 Td (tetanus, diphtheria) Green Cross TDI Vaccine Free Field Syringe 30,000
Vaccination Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough) 650001960 Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough) Boostrix Freefield Syringe 50,000
Vaccination Pneumococcal 648902270 Privena-13 (pneumonia) Prevena 13 weeks 100,000
Vaccination Pneumococcal 655501940 Prodiax-23 (pneumonia) Prodiax-23 prefield syringe 25,000
Vaccination Hepatitis A 650001800 Habrix Juice 1ml 50,000
Vaccination Hepatitis A 655501740 Bacta Free Field Syringe 1ml 50,000